If you would like to take charge of your health and well-being and improve your life, Pro-Health Acupuncture Center in Sacramento is the place for you.
Call (916) 456-9908 for acupuncture that will bring balance to your qi. At Pro-Health Acupuncture Center, our goal is to restore your life source by using specialized herbs and Chinese
With years of experience practicing and studying oriental medicine, we are confident our individualized treatments will remove the negative energy from your life making you feel refreshed and
cleansed. Our herbs are specially developed to meet all of our patient's needs. So call our office to set an appointment today for acupuncture in Sacramento, CA.
Physical pain is a common occurrence for many Americans. More than 1 quarter of adults in the U.S have recently experienced some kind of pain lasting longer than a day. Acupuncture is among the
oldest healing practices in the world. It is part of traditional Chinese Medicine and is proven to ease many ailments.
Acupuncture is designed to stimulate specific points on the body by inserting thin needles through the skin. In traditional Chinese Medicine, this regulates the flow of the body's qi (energy) along a
pathway known as meridians. Acupuncture is an effective method used for controlling chronic and acute pain.
Tuina (Chinese Munipulation) combined with Acupuncture, can be used to treat various health problems including muscle spasms, dislocated ligaments and tendons, joint pain and injured tissue.
Relief is a phone call away! Set your appointment today!